Celeb Biscuits

Woody Toy Story biscuit

This seems to be a country wide phenomena, the selling of film celeb gingerbread biscuits.  Certainly round our way the local bakery chains have a small range of icing decorated biscuits tied in to whatever film is trending at the time, and set out in the shop window to attract children.  As you might imagine, icing is not the easiest medium to generate a likeness, and the results are mixed!  I assume they experiment with a cutting shape, and once a prototype is agreed on, the biscuits are then standardised and produced in quantity for a few weeks. I haven’t been able to help myself collecting* these for a few years now, so it’s time to get some up on this site. Here’s the first, Woody from Toy Story.  More to follow!

(*Collecting? The office isn’t stuffed with mouldering biscuits!  Each one gets photographed right away, the biscuits are “recycled” for elevenses.)

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