Chocolate Fingers

I gave up on Cadburys products when the Americans bought them out, and the awful tasting chocolate fingers are one of the reasons. So it’s easy to get a bit nostalgic over the vintage packets here which come from a time when the firm was run on very different lines. These card tubes held a nice amount of biscuits upright, while the lid and base were pressed tin to keep them all fresh. Not a bit of plastic to be seen. Cadbury often used great illustrators but I do not know who did these designs. The Fifties one with zoo animals is very much of that era, slightly Festival of Britain too. The other is from the Sixties and shows children dressed in various national costumes. The decoation would be changed regularly to keep the public interest. Being card they do not survive in great numbers (the tins tend to be more common). I think one has enjoyed a second life as a crayon holder, for which they were the ideal shape.

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