Stocking packet design • 1

Paramount Nylons vintage

The first selection are earlier box designs. At this time stockings might be sold in plain or minimal cellophane wrappers (or even unwrapped) from a manufacturer supplied cardboard stock box.  The boxes tend to be quite minimalist or have stylised illustrations on, very much of their era. The Ballito box uses a heavily airbrushed photograph but nothing too overt, and has a very Thirties looking shadowed lettering.
The Larknit and Paramount boxes are much less ornate; just a printed label stuck to a plain box in the case of Larknit. The Paramount box may be a little older still, and is both printed and with the name slightly embossed.
The Emblem box is later and might be from the Fifties, with a floral bouquet in colour printed on.

Stocking packets 2

Stocking packets 3

Stocking packets 4

Emblem Stockings box 1950sLarknit Hosiery stockingsBallito luxury stockings 1930s