Stanley Street

This factory in Sheffield is typical of many industrial premises built after the war. It is fairly nondescript but so much of this area, which was laid out on a Georgian street grid, has been demolished in the last decade that even these buildings help fix this as an area of industry.  Today this corner block is occupied by a firm called Express Coatings, who powder coat metals for industry.
Somebody thought it would be a good idea to powder coat their own security shutters and this has always made the block stand out for me. They used six colours, plus blue and white, which hints at which of the two local football teams the boss supported.
This view is cluttered with street furniture and other buildings so I took a series of shots close up.  Rather than use one of the photo apps I preferred to build the view up from the photographs myself, correcting perspective and distortion then overlaying twelve separate photographs to achieve the long unbroken view before making the print from the end result, fading back the facade to help the colours stand out.

Stanley Lane factory Sheffield, Express Powder coatings
Stanley Lane