Lemfizz Cube

Lemfizz-cubes Carters Sheffield 1960s

Vintage confectionary is one of those things which can provoke really pleasurable childhood recollections when glimpsed again as an adult. Lemfizz cubes do the trick for me, 1” squares of pressed sherbet sold for a penny in local shops in the 60s and 70s. I think you were supposed to dissolve them in a glass of water for a fizzy drink, but everyone I know used to suck them like sweets for a foaming sherbet kick. Lemfizz came in a four different flavours, each in a waxed wrapper of an appropriately vivid hue. The memories of buying these, and even where I was in the garden when I ate some of them, remain.
This experience was recalled when I found an unopened Lemfizz Cube (circa 1965!) recently at an antique fair of all places. Who was it who had been able to resist opening and eating this 50 years ago? What sort of dealer thought there would be someone daft enough to want to buy it?
Lemfizz-cubes Carters Sheffield 1960s

The original product logo (left) was done in a strange sort of sci-fi horror font probably of their own design. I discovered that the makers, Carters, were a large firm of industrial chemists based in Attercliffe, Sheffield; what they were using for ingredients I hate to think (this was long before mandatory lists of carcinogenic enumbers and artificial colours.)
I wanted to do a print to celebrate this tiny fragment of local history and scanned the wrapper. By taking all the mid-tones out of the resulting image, I was left with a solid shape which could be repeated and overlaid with different colours. Initially I tried a set of just the four different flavours but pushing this to a large repeat filling the sheet had the impact I was after. I recreated the text for the different flavours from a few later style wrappers which I already had (they ditched the typeface and went for a more flower power style design with clowns as you can see from the two shown here). The print is available at the Easy online shop.
Now if I can find a box of Cadbury’s Lucky Numbers…

Lemfizz-cubes Carters Sheffield 1960s


  1. I actually managed to buy a box of these through a newsagent in Lancing in 1981. You can still get something similar in Germany

  2. My cousin and I love Lemfizz. They also did a “Winter” variety you were supposed to dissolve in hot water to make a hot blackcurrant drink. Trivia: My mother worked in Carter’s accounts dept when I was a nipper.

    • That sounds delicious Paul. I do have a few of the medicinal products Carter’s made, seltzer powders and stuff. The factory was an amazing building but not much left now.

  3. I remember going past Carter’s on the bus to town and the building had large hoardings showing the different products they made . They had another sweet which I can’t remember the name of and my favourite, Carter’s Little Liver Pills.
    The mind boggles

    • Yes, I have seen a few more of their products including some dinky little seltzer style powders and some confectionary. I’ll keep my eyes open at fairs if they ever return!

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